OK fellows I started the thread but I added so many heavy items may be! So as a common sense PLEASE keep few heavy and security related (allowed) items in you check-in too. May check with your Airline how much weight they allow on the carry on.ANd some are very strict about your Carry-on SIZE every Air line has its own set sizes and weights.
Also Check-in:--I would pay for a ticket which allows 2 pcs of luggage 23 KGs each, dont get tricked in to online purchases and you later find I was allowed only 1 23 KGs

. Something happened to me, want to share; I booked online to India. 1 pc of 23 kgs was allowed. Their website offered me 1/2 price for the 2nd piece(ON-LINE only). So I purchased 2nd pc for half price on my Credit Card.
Guess what? At the Airport clerk refused 2nd piece and I shown that C/Card payment. She said "SORRY it is NOT in our system". I argued politely, it should not happen, it is there >>please re-check it"
. After like 30 minutes of waiting time a Supervisor came in and found deeply that this guy actually had PAID, was hidden from ticket upfront, deeply. Supervisor only said sorry. It was one of the JOINT AIRLINES as we know DELTA,KLM, AIR FRANCE is all the same now.May be more joined in too.
Anyways heading of this thread should have been:-
List of some urgent items that go in the carry-on OR check-in:
Thanks all.