actonis said:
I am talking about a situation when the principal applicant for temp work visa who received closed work visa get fired and his spouse because of him had received OWP.
It is logical that the spouse shouldn't be able to work, because for the principal applicant to work, he need new LMO and the spouse with OWP can change the jobs every couple of months.
It seems that it is better to have OWP then TWP.
Actonis - I think you need to read more. I do not know why you are always giving false information.
Once you receive your WORK PERMIT (Be that through your SPOUSE or any other Route) will have a validity or expiry date.
In most cases, if it is under SPOUSE then IT WILL HAVE THE SAME EXPIRY DATE as the Principal Work Permit Holder.
If the Principal got fired or has resigned before the expiry of his WORK PERMIT, technically he is still AUTHORIZED under his WORK PERMIT (even if in actual he is no longer working with the same company).
Upon renewal/extension, it will be again under his SPOUSE (if there is a new work permit) or the Spouse apply for new work permit under LMO route.
Please understand carefully the points/cases before you comment.