CIC mailed me a request for my fingerprints dated late January. I'm currently I'm out of the country; but since there's a 60-day window on this, I'm arranging to be back in time to get the fingerprints done.
I've decided to do the old pen-and-ink method of fingerprinting, rather than digital.
I'm a bit confused about the timeline of this process. How many days' allowance should I give? That is, when do I need to fly back to Canada? Is it simply a matter of getting the fingerprints done by an authorized office and postmarking them before the 60 days are up - or do they need to actually arrive at the CIC before the 60 days are up? Or, have I completely misunderstood - do I have to wait for the actual RCMP results from the fingerprinting and submit them in the 60 days?
Thanks so so much for your help!
I've decided to do the old pen-and-ink method of fingerprinting, rather than digital.
I'm a bit confused about the timeline of this process. How many days' allowance should I give? That is, when do I need to fly back to Canada? Is it simply a matter of getting the fingerprints done by an authorized office and postmarking them before the 60 days are up - or do they need to actually arrive at the CIC before the 60 days are up? Or, have I completely misunderstood - do I have to wait for the actual RCMP results from the fingerprinting and submit them in the 60 days?
Thanks so so much for your help!