Dear seniors
I was filling the physical residency calculator form for number of days outside Canada: can you please guide for the scenario below:
I left Canada on 13th January 2013 to do my rotation in USA, but had to go back to India from USA (family emergency) on 3rd March 2013 , and returned back to Canada on 21st May 2013. Does this require only one entry in the residency calculator:
2013-01-13(Date left Canada) to 20013-05-21 (Date of Return to Canada) location as USA and India both : Reason rotation and Family emergency
2013-01-13(day left Canada) to Date of return to Cananda(Never returned until 2013-05-21) For Rotation a
2013-03-03(day left USA) to 2013-05-21 (return to canada from India)
Please advise, Ist option looks more genuine to me but will they do their own separation of number of days in each country (India and USA) on their own? as first option does add up days in both USA and India
I returned back to Canada on 2013-05-21 from India