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Citizenship File Stuck on Fingerprint results: Received


Full Member
Apr 19, 2015
I applied My mom and dad citizenship individual application, My Mom already got citizenship Oath last week, but My dad file is stuck on Fingerprint results: Received,
My dad age is above 55 so he does not need to give citizenship test and Lagugage skills does not apply to him.

Funny part is that I applied for my dad 's citizenship 2 months before my Mom's application and mom's got citiznship before my dad.

I sent an email to IRCC and they said they process applications ASAP. Anyone had same problem, Please help



Champion Member
Mar 29, 2016
I applied My mom and dad citizenship individual application, My Mom already got citizenship Oath last week, but My dad file is stuck on Fingerprint results: Received,
My dad age is above 55 so he does not need to give citizenship test and Lagugage skills does not apply to him.

Funny part is that I applied for my dad 's citizenship 2 months before my Mom's application and mom's got citiznship before my dad.

I sent an email to IRCC and they said they process applications ASAP. Anyone had same problem, Please help

It's nowhere near a year (standard processing time) and nowhere near the 23 month average currently so please be patient. Background consists of criminality and security.
You can call ircc to ask if criminality is completed (as a result of FP) and if security is in progress. If the latter has been referred to a security agency, it can take an additional 9months to a year to process. Be patient. There's nothing you can do to speed up the process (apart from urgent processing e.g. govt job offer).