I recognize the officer (by her behavior!)
I bet yours was a 40-ish Caucasian lady in glasses, who took you to a separate room for the interview.
I was STRUCK by just how much of a scatterbrains she was!
Nearly forgot to have me sign the green form (I had to remind her!), didn't pay any attention to my IDs, tried to give me a list of extra documents to supply, but the list kept changing every time she dictated it to me.
Unprepared (or unwilling) to take the required 5, 10 or even 15 minutes to go methodically thru my passport stamps and cross-check them against my CBSA report (isn't that the main objective of the whole interview!?!).
And (worst of all) TOTALLY convinced of her utmost power to request any kind of paperwork under the sun from me! For as long as she pleases!
This type of official will have no misgivings to drag my case on, for ever and ever ;((
We're in for a long ride, brother!