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CIT0002 q11 - Do I need to include details of vacation days as well?


Dec 19, 2019
Hello All,

Section 11 says "Tell us what have you been doing during five year eligibility period (Inside & Outside of Canada)". Even though it says next, "Enter details of your Employment and Education history", the question warns towards the end that "If there are any missing days, periods of time or if the section is blank, application will be returned to you" (in bold)

I did fill out all the Employment and Education history details pertaining to the eligibility period, though I'm confused if I need to put vacation details (entry and exits) too as it might end up being a repetition of Physical Presence Calculator days sheet? If possible, please help me with my case below:

Dec 20th, 2014 until Dec 31st - Completed education program (studies) successfully.
Feb 24th, 2015 - Left Canada for vacation after applying for work permit (P.S. I did have student permit valid until Mar 31st, 2015)
May 13th, 2015 - Work Permit issued within Canada (P.S. My flat mate receives it within a week and scans/emails me the same)
Jun 11th, 2015 - I arrive to Canada with my color photo copy of Work permit, entry permitted and I start to hunt jobs until Jun 28th, 2015
Jun 29th, 2015 - I get my first job, this was my first day at job

From the above info, in section 11 (in the citizenship form) I have stated for now as Dec 20th, 2014 to May 13th, 2015 - Completed studies successfully and took vacation. Followed by May 13th, 2015 to Jun 29th, 2015 - Unemployed (Work permit issued, looking for jobs). Is this right??? since I'm not really giving each days account here (as mentioned in bold next to the question) also addresses I'm using is Canadian. If not, then should I break the above info into more details in the form which includes my vacation period as well (Feb 24 to Jun 11). If yes, then probably all other vacation periods should appear as well (which may become lengthy and repetitive since vac are already mentioned in Physical Calculator Period Form).

Please help, as I plan to submit my application in a few days now. Looking forward to your expert opinions.

Thanks for help, sorry for any confusion (if any)

Best Regards,