For SINP Licence and specifically for I.S.P. there are multiple routes to obtain it. If you go to their website, they have tool to assess which route you can take. In my case I tiok education plus experience route. However first confirm this from them by sending them email at For the rest of the answers for your questions please see below.
1. As per your job duties (current and past), you have to decide in which bok list you are falling. They habe given this list in application form. As per that you need to mention this thing in application form but for education plus experience route and established IT professionals route.
2. WES evaluation should be course by course. Document by document they won't accept. For this if you have already completed WES in past than you just need to upgrade it to course by course. You can easily get this from WES website in your account. There will be some charges. Also make sure to send the copy of your wes report directly from wes to thier address written in application form. For this you have to add manual recipient in wes account.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of code of business ethics, this is online test with few questions that you need to clear. They have provided the link as well and highlighted the same in yellow on their website. This certificate you get in half an hour which you need to attach while application for the I.S.P. They will provide the document as well to pass the test.
4. CIPS membership can be obtain while filling the application form as they usually give that option too. So this will be covered once you fill the application form.
5. You need to provide reference letter(s) from your client or employer who can comment on your competence and confirm your last 24 months work with them.
6. Rest is explanatory about the application fees. They have given the link in which for particular Saskatchewan we have to pay mentioned amount with additional membership fee.
Let me know if you need any other clarification for the same.