I got this reply from CICjuliegunawan said:I'll try to submit a webform and see they could help us with this problem.
I will give you guys an update as soon as I got any reply.
Dear Client,
Thank you for contacting the Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
We verified the information provided. Please note that the difficulties that you are experiencing may be resolved by:
Refreshing your browser,
Using Adobe 10,
Using another computer; we suggest that you try using Internet Explorer 9.0 (or a higher version) or a different browser such as Safari 3.1. Please note that the letter will not be accessible from a smart phone or an electronic tablet.
We hope this information is helpful. If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact us via this webform and provide us with:
· a screen shot of the page in question (including the full browser window, the error message you’ve received, as well as the previous page you accessed before encountering this error), and
· a copy of the document(s) you were requested to provide.