262 marks without ECA and without LMIA or PNP
Have a full time job (LMIA Exempt


) offer.
Having 1.6 years of Canadian experience.
Had a part of building this country directly or indirectly for 1.6 years.
Cap reached on October 22 2014.
600 points for people who has a valid job offer with LMIA . so Am I Jobless ?
Please tell me what should I do as a jobless.... ? for PR I should have minimum one year experience . I could not understand how my LMIA exempt one year job experience can be considered for Express Entry as a valid candidate but not my Job as a valid job offer.
CIC's logic is wrong. if I am getting 0 points for my LMIA exempt job then how this experience can be considered as a Work Experience for my EE.
Please correct me if I am wrong.