Thank you so much for the info. This is the reason, I wanted to apply for PR ASAP. I don't know why we have to be in Canada to sponsor a childYou’ll need to specify that you won’t have OHIP when you call. Some physicians will not be willing to see private insurance patients. Some are not set up for private pay and some clinics or hospitals (except ER) have chosen to only see provincial insurance patients because they can’t meet the demand for those with OHIP. Most will not put you on a wait list until you get OHIP since people who have OHIP are always supposed to get priority. Most without OHIP end up going to walk-in clinics. In most cases, paediatricians only see children will more complex health needs versus in the past where they were essentially GPs for children. General care for the whole family is now supposed to be done through GPs. There are still some paediatricians out these who see kids in general but rare. Family member who is a paediatrician so have been well-trained to spread the word.