I think everyone should apply TRV.
Reason behind is strong:
a. 33 months timeline will not come down in months.
b. 33 months timeline does not permit anyone to challenge it at any forum.
c. Even some cases transferred to London they are being treated as they are doing special favor since they come under 33 months timeline.
d. If London select you for processing you might be done or might not be done since 33 months applies.
e. Now if you wait by watching forum as London is working your turn will be soon.
It might possible or might not possible........I do not think it is possible.
f. I am on this forum since March-2012 and have seen cases are done quickly from 8-12-16-20-24-28 and 32+ months.
Since it is not based on first come first serve it is based on selection but actually 33 moths timeline protect visa
officer so you cannot challenge them. MP is helpless in front of 33 months timeline.
g. Prepare for TRV and apply when you have enough proof to support TRV then apply and then when you get
PR says Thanks to Allah. That is only best way being Pakistani.
h. London looks working much better then Islamabad but 33 months timeline stays if you are not selected then
you wait and wait like me..........Can not Challenge or force them since 33 moths timeline protect them.
I. So think about it...........................................Please do not waste your time looking on forum and waiting
as your turn will be soon....no.....I did same when I saw first case of 2012 approved in 8 months and I hopped
mine will be same since my application is complete and I am Canadian Citizen but they are insane.
j. London confirmed to my MP timeline for Pakistanis applications is same as Islamabad 33 MONTHS Grin.
k. I did my 2nd medical in May-2013 and was hopeful to get PPR in July-August 2013 but still waiting and
medical expired. Angry
l. Now I am expecting 3rd medical and there are many people on forum who got 3rd medical.
