salam hubby chubby and noah saaz i emailed lvo and mantion about my re-medical getting expired in september 2014 and case status bla bla bla and after 2nd day i got this email looks like typical reply

bcoz i got same email last month when i asked about my file,so tell me whats next now kia karun yaaar ab main

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is in response to your enquiry.
Please be advised that your application has been transferred to London, UK, for onward processing.
We understand that you may have concerns regarding this change, however, we would like to assure you that your application has been transferred to London as part of an effort to improve services to our applicants. During this period of transition, we appreciate your patience.
Your application is in process or waiting to be reviewed by an immigration officer. No further action is required by you at this time.
Our office will contact the applicant when a decision has been made or if further information is required. Immigration decisions and information requests are sent by email or post to the addresses provided in the application.
We understand that your circumstances may change while you wait to hear from us. Please be in contact should there be a change in your family size or composition, or if you wish to change your address or contact information.
If you need to contact us, please use the below contact information. Please quote your file number(s) on all correspondence, including the envelope, and include FC – ISLAMABAD in the subject line of the email/letter.
We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.
We appreciate your patience.
As your application is now being processed in London, UK, we request that you direct all your correspondence to our office in London, rather than our office in Islamabad.
Yours sincerely,
Client Service Unit (DRD)