ano987 said:
yes we have done all that including that consent form and husband email address being on file,, but it still doesnt make any sense why r they doing this to me by not responding for a single time... am i that unlucky :'( this is what keep coming into my mind. atleast having some idea abt ur file gives u some satisfaction.
May b we should make the material of our inquiry email more dramatic in order to get some sort of response from london..

whether its positive or not atleast they should be responding to us,,
According to Access to information website they have to reply in 30 days otherwise they have to justify it why they can't and even then they have limited time to come back to you. If they did not, there are not respecting the Law and Act of access to information. Send them an other email and tell them if you don't get any reply you are going to Lodge the complain as it is not normal. They are obliged by law to provide information or give you the justification why they can't,. They cant just keep silent and igonore you.
Ask you husband to lodge complain
Here is extract from their website :
How long does the Department have to respond?
A: Both Acts allow for a legal response time of
30 calendar days from the date of receipt of an official request. However, this period may be extended for limited and specific reasons identified in the Acts. For instance, extensions may be taken if:
the request is for a large number of records or necessitates a search through a large number of records and meeting the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the government institution;
consultations are necessary to comply with the request that cannot be completed within the original time limit; or
additional time is necessary for translation purposes or for converting personal information into an alternative format.
Can I
lodge a complaint related to the Access to Information Act?
A: Yes, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner about any matter related to your Access to Information Act request. For example, your complaint may involve exemptions applied, delays in providing a response, fee estimates, etc. A complaint must be made within 60 days from the date that you received a response to your request. There is no cost to you for the investigation of a complaint. Complaints must be submitted in writing to:
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
Place de Ville, Tower B
112 Kent Street, 22nd Floor
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 1H3