Its very sad how so many complain yet no one wants to do anything about it. And if ONE person does something about it, like this petition for one, or protest, or anything along those lines, they say its no good and won't work. Great attitude guys. Its very upsetting. I worked on that petition for days trying to mention as many points in as little as possible. We are getting signatures. 40 so far. That's not bad for less than 24 hours just to inform you. As the petitioner, I get all the details. For those with alk the negativity, we are doing great without your support. This issue WILL be brought to the attention of the general public.
Also, a poujy to be noted is that every time someone signs this petition, an email is sent to Chris Alexander letting him know that another signature has taken place on a petition against CIC.
Inbox should be full everyday with these.
Good luck to you all.