good point. i dont blame cic for some of the measures they have taken to protect what it means to be a canadian citizen. one of the fads amongst pakistani immigrants was how they couldnt wait to get canadian citizenship and then go live in the middle east. i mean how can one blame the cic for cracking down on that! if you like the middle east so much then just go live there...we will see how well they reward you after years of service and when you are no longer employable...they kick you out...sudhar jao logo...our petty past is making the present harder. 
hubby chubby said:Actually bro, I can't blame their logic. I've personally since cases, whereby the females citizen live aboard (pakistan) and when it's time to deliver their baby. They come and use Canadian health care (Cause its free and better). However, when Canadian authorities see things such as these, they claim "you pay your taxes and invest your money abroad, but use our services??!!". There are many things I don't agree with CIC, but this one I understand where they are coming from....