for boys
this is Raymasood you guys saw me on forum during dec 2010 until dec 2012.
and today i am going to share my all experience until today maybe this thing will help you guys who are preparing to come here....as you will arrive in Canada land first you have to go to border control agency counter then someone will tell you that the people who are not Canadian citizen will take left counters (it may change) cuz long line of counters then after you finish that you will go to immigration department then finish this go out meet relative bla bla bla,,, here come the real story first few day eat sleep and kind a jet log which is not in my case so my advice meeting and sleeping don't take too long first as soon as you come next day go for your sin number in "service Canada" then take your sin number on paper (card will come later) and go to bank for open your account and apply for your credit card here is every thing conected with each other next day go for your driving test for G1 (that will be your first picture id in Canada) but be prepare for test for me it was so easy i just read a book from internet and next day went for test and 1st try all done then if you are not going to part of your "susral business" my advice don't do it at start try to build your self first so next go some new comer immigration center to built your resume in Canadian way and take some English classes and their programs meanwhile take a security guard classes to get a job quick then as soon as you finish in one month to do all this your picture id will arrive then take test of security guard licence some people think its not good but trust me even you get job in your field its good to have it then you will have 2 pictures id and in future something happens to your job you can work as a security guard even if you want to study in my case as soon as i got licence i got job in computer filed in "CANADA COMPUTERS in Scarborough" so didn't go for my security guard stuff but i have this so i am no worries if i finish my job i can work any time so do this way if you feel its ok cuz i felt here so many people can't find job so quick the first thing they going to ask you about canadian experience which we don't have so i think in security they don't ask too much if your english is good you will get job so quick after that ... try to stand up on your foot other way you will find so hard time after few months some times your relation comes on very hard situation i saw people in this way and one more thing before coming try to remember all they ways and roads to your home and around your home trust me they will help you a lot and bus number (if you can) and ready for worse situation like getting job and other stuff i know you not going to face this but in safe hand so as soon as you get your driving licence go for health card they will not give your health card right away your health card will arrive almost when your 3rd month will going to complete and you will eligible for free health service after three months countdown start from the date you arrived here .....
and for those people who are going to join there susral in canada the best advice is try to live somewhere alone with your wife as soon as you can cuz how much they are good i have friends who faced this thing before me and i took advice from them,, try not put your your self on someone ,,,this is canada you will find if you think you are going to stay with family forever '''and trust me that make sense too you are in canada and now its time to live with your wife alone'"""
thats all until now if you guys have any question more email me at ""raymasood @ gmail.com" i don't promise to replay as fast as you think but i will try my best to give reply as soon as i can
thanks for reading my all crap "but its true"
