Well would like add few words of sympthies for every one, as we are all almost in same boat waiting for our spouses (Husband or wife), so frustrated so confused so helpless, and can't do any thing other then writing our anger out on this forum.
I am not saying ''Grapes are Sour''. But would like to show you a positive aspect of this long distance relation...
Its been a year that i have sponsored my wife, and have visted twice, though we are on phone or on skype for 24/7, but each time i have visted her in Pakistan i get the same feeling same excitment same charm as i got right after our wedding, what i am trying to say that usually newly married people have that charm that romance that shyness and it stays there for 6 months after that it become a regular routine and in two years you are so busy and so much into your life and kids and work that you almost have no fun (In general), but in our relation that thing is still there and i always take it as a blessing of ALLAH that i have still the same feelings and same charm even after one year of our relation, just coz we have not stayed together for long.
INSHALLAH when she would come here we will start our life just as newlywed one...even after two years of wedding.
So guys be Postive and hope for the best.."' Jahan usually that love or charm stays for 2 years .humara would stay 4 years.
the rest we do miss them...ALHAMDULLILAH i am very much postive about my time line, coz i have always Prayed to ALLAH that plzz get her visa on a right time whatever and whenever is good for ourself.
I am not saying that whatever they are doing to us is fair and not unjust , but we cant help it, we have to pay for being a Pakistani. the people who are rulled by Corrupt Goverment.
Dont know why i m writing this out but just wana give you a hope and to show you the postive side of our relations..
Kismat se ziada and waqat se pehle kabhi kuch nahi milta.
One more thing would like to add that i am going back to Pakistan during election days to cast my vote, i know for many it is not affordable , but trust me it is not affordable for me as well, but as i am very much patriot and have always worked for the success of my country Pakistan, i belive spending 2000$ for my ticket and cast vote to the right party is not a bad deal. the rest i know so many would say that there are no fair election bla bla bla but trust one only ALLAH he will give you jaza and would give success to our country if you would try your best.
Best of luck to every one for their future.
Please do nothing But Pray for every one and for our country. Thanks.
(you guys must be hating me
