hubby chubby said:
I dunno try it out. But its the government were talking about here. They know all these little tricks. If i recall, 740 is a ohio area code.
I did
And your "government were talking about here. They know all these little tricks" doesnt make sense. Its VOIP routing we are talking about here, this would only be true if they are screening calls from INSIDE of north America.
If anyone has an android phone, they can search for an app called Fongo. It gives you a free Canadian number that you can make and receive calls on. If anyone outside Canada need a Canadian number for free do the following:
Just google "fongo.apk" [you cant download it from play store if you are outside Canada]
Download the .apk file, copy it on your android phone.
Install it.
Then go to, create an account using your email address.
Log in on your phone with the account that you just created.
And voila! you have a free Canadian number to call people and your beloved CHC anytime from your cellphone on wifi/data.