khanb5 said:
Farhan1..bro according to your previous posts I could easily says that your case was in interview Que as you haven't submitted them enough proof which shows genuineness of your relation. Every Nikah only case is different from other it all based on what sort of proof you are submmiting to back up your case. Mine was a Nikah only too and I didnt came under the presure of CHC to complete ruksati in rush as it was one of the most important function of our life and I was saving up for it.
I am trying to post letters which I have received from CHC so that all of you on this forum can see that how CHC waited for me to send them pics instead of giving me deadline of 45 days to complete ruksati. They cant put your case on interview unless you havent given them enough proof.
That is not true, bro. I never mentioned anywhere that my case was in int. queue because my relationship was not genuine. If that had been the case, they would have asked for more proof, which they did not in their letter. They only asked for the date of the rukhsati, and didn't put any pressure. And according to the GCMS, the note by the officer only says ''marriage has not been consummated'' and it says ''proof of relationship found okay''. How else do you want me to interpret this??
The only logical conclusion is that I'm in int. queue becoz I had no rukhsati. But you are right...every Nikah case is different. More importantly, every visa officer is different. Some are ok even with good proof with Nikah, while others are very picky about rukhsati.