This is the response I have received today from minster office regarding the letter I have sent them last month,which most of you are aware.
Re:flood in Pakistan and family sponsorship application timelines
"CIC - Ministerial Enquiries Division/CIC - Service de renseignemen"
Dear Mr. Naeem:
This is in response to your email of August 19, 2010, addressed to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, concerning the flood in Pakistan and family sponsorship application timelines. I apologize for the delay in replying.
I appreciate the Pakistani community’s concerns about their families’ safety and well being in Pakistan. I would like to assure you that Citizenship and Immigration Canada is aware of the unfolding crisis, and is monitoring the situation carefully. There is regular communication and daily reports sent to our National Headquarters by our mission’s manager. Our visa office in Islamabad is open and operating normally.
With regard to expedited processing of Family Class applications, I would like to explain that our visa officers have sufficient discretion under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to respond in a flexible and humane manner to emergency situations. It is the client’s responsibility, however, to demonstrate to the visa officials, with proper documentation, that they have been personally and directly affected by the situation. Where required, an interview may also be held. A decision is made after consideration of all factors.
If you or members of your community are in contact with family members in Pakistan who are directly affected by the flooding, you may wish to encourage them to contact the visa office, explain how they are personally affected by the flooding, and request expedited processing. I can assure you that visa officials will extend every consideration to their circumstances.
Thank you for taking the time to write and express your concern. I trust that the information provided is of assistance.
N. Vizcaino
Ministerial Enquiries Division
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