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Chances of getting visa with Acceptance Letter for Master or ESL?


Dec 15, 2009
Congratulations for the Forum, is very helpfull.

I'm an albanian citizen, actually permanent resident in Italy.
I would like to Study to Canada and I have some questions about TRV and Study Permit.
I have already an TRV (V-1, Visitor) valid 4 years. Do I have to get an TRV (S-1, Student) or I need just a Study Permit?

I need to study more english (for the moment my IELTS score is low).
I have 2 options :
1. To apply for 2 or 4 months class for ESL and for a Master. With this option I will have a Conditional Acceptance Letter from the College.
2. To apply for 8 months class for ESL, get the Study Permit and after I finish dhe ESL classes to apply for Master and for renew my Study Permit.

What do you think? On wich option is easier to have the Visa, with Conditional Acceptance Letter for the Master, or with Acceptance Letter for ESL?

If I apply for renew my permit after ESL, are they checking my academic history, or I can choice any kind of Master or Diploma?

Thank You in advence for your answers.


Dec 15, 2009
koli said:
Congratulations for the Forum, is very helpfull.

I'm an albanian citizen, actually permanent resident in Italy.
I would like to Study to Canada and I have some questions about TRV and Study Permit.
I have already an TRV (V-1, Visitor) valid 4 years. Do I have to get an TRV (S-1, Student) or I need just a Study Permit?

I need to study more english (for the moment my IELTS score is low).

I have 2 options :

1. To apply for 2 or 4 months class for ESL and for a Master. With this option I will have a Conditional Acceptance Letter from the College.

2. To apply for 8 months class for ESL, get the Study Permit and after I finish dhe ESL classes to apply for Master and for renew my Study Permit.

What do you think? On wich option is easier to have the Visa, with Conditional Acceptance Letter for the Master, or with Acceptance Letter for ESL?

If I apply for renew my permit after ESL, are they checking my academic history, or I can choice any kind of Master or Diploma?

Thank You in advance for your answers.
Feb 13, 2010
British Columbia
Job Offer........
Generally you need a study permit to study in Canada. However, if you take a short course of 1 - 6 months then you do not need a study permit.

I provide a short term intensive immersion English as a Second Language program. You do not need a study permit for this course. For students that need a Temporary Resident Visa I provide a letter of invitation. See the Canada Immigration site and read "Exceptions" cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-who.asp

For general information on studying in Canada see the main Immigration Canada site at cic.gc.ca/english/study/index.asp

Canada Language Study


Jun 2, 2013
Dear Barbara,

What is your rate of rejection for students who take a one month English course in Canada and apply for a TRV - as visitor?
In my case my common law partner is from Bolivia and I am from Sweden and will start a PhD in Canada in Sept.
Would him doing an English course of one month give him a more likely chance to come visit in Canada (TRV), with them knowing I am there?

I really appreciate you sharing your experience.