Nothing silly about that question.
MyCIC had been updated the day we got our eCOPRs. PR application approved. Eligibility had been approved on the same day. Fun fact: apparently, our background checks had been completed weeks ago.
This is the reason I say there is no defined and consistent process. Nobody knows what the various stages are and how these comments are getting written by any agent 
I have been observing many cases for the last two months, and I am confident there is nothing like stage clearance or milestones. The ones who get it in a consistent manner are lucky, but who do not receive any update or have no clarity about their stage clearances are also getting eCOPR without any update.
The majority of the applications have inconsistent updates.
People who are not getting updates or have not received any updates should not feel bad. Very soon, you will be getting that lucky/final email.
And as I was suspecting, it seems true for many pending cases. Most of these cases are pending from the same place.
I have not called them so far as I feel nothing will change even if I get any update about my application.
They are not going to improve the processing time. It is all LUCK, nothing else.