AOR: AUG-16-2018
MEP: OCT 14~16 2018
BGS: We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information.
No update email for the change of BGS. It was "Your application is in progress. We will send you a message when we start your background check".
Any idea which phrase I'm in now? Thanks!
I got ITA today, so have some questions for the senior members of this forum.
1. Do I need to submit the medical
with my PR application
or they will ask for it
2. The copies of my Education Certificates
has to be Notarized or not?
3. And they also ask if I'll pay some
Right of permanent residence fee, should I pay it with my application?
4. And lastly,
how much time they will take to give AOR after I submit PR application. Cuz my permit is expiring soon, so I was thinking about
OBWP(Open Bridge Work Permit) as an option.
I'd really appreciate your time and all your replies would be really helpful for me.