lucifier said:
Hi All,
my note just arrived.
Eligibility: passed

medical: passed.
File Location: PACE
Due date: 2016-07-21
and the last note on 2016-06-04 by officer
Text: Appear RFV
can anyone know what is the meaning of Appear RFV? and what is PACE?
Hi Lucifier
I have the same notes as yours. I am applicant under Quebec Skilled Worker and now it is in federal stage.
It shows that, until June 24th, I have passed the eligibility, criminality and medical examinations. For the Security, it is blank. I think the VO is checking Security level of my application.
Regarding the location of my paper dossier, the latest location (on June 24th) is "Location: PACE", just after being placed in "Location: RVF Check".
Regarding the notes of VO, the latest VO notes shows "Appears RFV" (on June 24th).
I have questions:
(1) Anyone who knows the meaning of PACE ? It may be the internal departement or stage for the Visa center. I have no idea.
(2) I heard that RFV means "Ready For Visa" or "Require Further Verification". I think it should be probably "Ready For Visa". But, why it is noted "Appears RFV" ??
Any ideas about "Location: PACE" and "Appears RFV" ?
I hope you can help me to understand.