So I landed today at Queenston-Lewiston bridge
I arrived there at 11:45PM on June 15 by the time I entered to the waiting room it was midnight
The US agent(s) were not friendly at all
When I arrived to the border he asked me for my passport - while I was handing it to him I told him I am here for landing purposes he said "don't talk if i don't ask you to and let me do my work"
Then he called another officer
Then asked me for my car keys and to leave my phone in the car then out of no where 5 officers came to check the car

I was alone in the waiting room - yes alone - no one before me
IT TOOK THEM ONE HOUR to give me the administrative refusal - it looked as if they do this for the first time!
Too many questions they asked
Too many info they took (phone number, email address, employer, job title, duties, where i live, i can't remember what else...)
By 1 PM they walked me out and someone brought the car and told me how to head back to Canada
The whole
process at the US border took one hour and fifteen minutes almost
I reached Canadian border 1:05PM
Officer was
super nice and friendly we had a little chat while he was stamping the passort or whatver he was doing then told me to go park and go inside the building another officer will be waiting for me to finish the process
I went it and the
officer was smiling - man I love Canada!

Again we had a little chat while he was filling up something on the computer
Asked me 2 questions (the ones written on the CoPR) If I was convicted a crime or if I have dependents then asked me to sign
Asked me 1 question if I want to bring any belonging from back home
Told me the PR will arrive in 8 weeks to the address I provided
Told me that I need to go to service Canada to get a permanent SIN number and to renew my OHIP if it is expiring soon
Then congratulated me on becoming a permanent resident and gave me a welcome to Canada catalog.
The whole
process in Canada took 7-10 minutes all in from the time I arrived at the border till the time I left the building as a permanent resident
Total process from arricing at the US border to leaving the Canadian port of entry as a permanent resident was around one hour and a half
Good luck for all waiting for their PPR or CoPR or Passport