softwaretesting said:
I'm applying for PR under CEC. I want to submit my application before Express Entry system starts in Jan'15. Till what date do you think we can submit forms under current system? Will it be sufficient if I send documents by 15-Dec or should I try to send earlier than that?
Hi 'softwaretesting'
The current CEC applications are not limited by date, they are by quota:
''.....I quote ....see link (
Canadian Experience Class – Number of applications accepted
As of May 1, 2014, there is an overall cap of 8,000 for new Canadian Experience Class applications. There are also sub-caps of 200 for each National Occupational Classification B applications. These are the last applications we will accept under the current system before Express Entry launches in January 2015.
Work experience in the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) B occupations (listed with the corresponding NOC code) will not be accepted in the CEC:
•Cooks (NOC 6322)
•Food service supervisors (NOC 6311)
•Administrative officers (NOC 1221)
•Administrative assistants (NOC 1241)
•Accounting technicians and bookkeepers (NOC 1311)
•Retail sales supervisors (NOC 6211)
For all other NOC B occupations, we will accept up to 200 applications per occupation. Once we reach the cap, we will no longer accept applications for that occupation. Once CIC receives 8,000 complete CEC applications, we will no longer accept any application for processing, even if there are occupational caps that have not been filled.
The numbers presented are updated weekly. There is no guarantee that an application sent in now will fall within the cap by the time CIC receives it.
Total applications received towards the overall cap: 4,233 / 8,000
Number of complete NOC B applications received towards each occupation's sub-cap
It is possible to conclude that.....As soon as 8000 applications are reached or 200 cap on each NOC is reached, which ever happens earlier, the applications would not be accepted.
One needs to check by NOC class's current level of application received in the TABLE by CIC to see the status.
I hope this is helpful.