Hi, there are a few things not clear to me in your message, am I correct in assuming that Peru isn't your normal country of residence? You said it has been 3 weeks, so are you now back home in your own country? Does the PPR request have a 30 day deadline, I'm from visa except so I'm not sure what the time is on that. If you are back in your country, just send your PP now by express post, it will only take 3 days maybe 4 to get there. If you don't think it will get there in time, send CIC an email, apologize for the delay, explain why and ask for an extension. I thought I was going to miss the deadline for my RCMP request so I emailed and they granted an extension fortunately I didn't need the extension as royal mail got my documents to Canada in 2 days by express post but it was crazy expensive

Anyway.. don't worry, send your PP and email CIC for an extension just in-case.