:-\ :-\
So guys as many of you are aware of my situation here , that im not able to claim 2 years of Exp , and you guys know that i have Declined My ITA just Today at 12.30pm Est
, so according to that i was getting a point for 1 year Exp , which was 465 , now i havn't seen my profile updated after i declined ITA , which means im skipped in this draw ,
Oh my freaking God.

So guys as many of you are aware of my situation here , that im not able to claim 2 years of Exp , and you guys know that i have Declined My ITA just Today at 12.30pm Est
, so according to that i was getting a point for 1 year Exp , which was 465 , now i havn't seen my profile updated after i declined ITA , which means im skipped in this draw ,
Oh my freaking God.