Hello guys
Please help me out with a biggest query of mine
I do not want to continue with my representative any more
But my representative wont give me a cancellation form or something so that I can inform OINP regarding the same
Cancellation of representative form in OiNP will require a signature of representative
I am very sure my representative will not sign it and give it to me
Can I just fill out the cancellation of representative form of CIC and send to OINP without informing my representative.
Bcz this form doesnot need any signature of the representative for cancellation
Thank you
Please help me out with a biggest query of mine
I do not want to continue with my representative any more
But my representative wont give me a cancellation form or something so that I can inform OINP regarding the same
Cancellation of representative form in OiNP will require a signature of representative
I am very sure my representative will not sign it and give it to me
Can I just fill out the cancellation of representative form of CIC and send to OINP without informing my representative.
Bcz this form doesnot need any signature of the representative for cancellation
Thank you