Hey Coooldude i have write about refusal to LSBF legal advise, take a look on it, is it OK. I'm very messed up right now
Well Sorry for not sending you my application to review, i had made application before your replied,
and i got rejection on the basis of
You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your Stay
1. Purpose of visit
2. Limited employment prospects in your Country of Residence
3. Your Personal and Financial Status
i has not submitted study plan beacause i was not aware about it
I want to apply once again, how can i satisfy Visa Officer with what other documents that,
1. AS i have applied for Study permit my purpose of visit is to study, and he has also stated that i has satisfied him/her that my father has enough finances to support me by every means without my working in Canada
2. ACCA has a very good scope in Pakistan, and some one has told me to get a job offer from some company so it will satisfy him that you will get job in the future
. how can i get job offer from some company before even completion of my studies
. what if i don't need employment, i want to open some business
3. Your Personal Assets and financial status
. What am i meant to own at age of 19 Years being a full time student and never earning a single penny
. I am totaly reliable on my Fathers fianances, and in here, in Pakistan what your father owns is yours fully. So the assets my father owns are going to be my inheritance in future, so i will have to comeback to takeover.
. Am i supposed to get an AFFIDAVIT from my father, stating that all i own is someday going to be my Son's inheritancesor. is it right take a look