Alright here is what Iam seeing,and the VO will probably see it this way as well:
You are looking for a way to come to Canada! For a "better life", other family members or whatever purpose.You are USING this WOMAN(no,not a GIRL) ,to get here. I am sorry but this is pathetic! She is not the youngest anymore,with two kids,looking for someone that brings back love and warmth.An easy victim.She would give,do and pay for anything to bring her "new love" to Canada,not knowinh that her "big love" will either immediately leave her or wait a few years for the new rule to be over once he gets here! Maybe its a good thing that Immigration from Pakistan takes 2 years or longer,it might keep people away from hurting and ruining other peoples lifes!
My advise : Forget the application,you will very likely be refused!!! And if the VO finds out you were just looking for a way to immigrate to Canada,say Goodbye to Canada forever,you wont be allowed to enter for a looooong time

If you really love this woman and your guyses relationship is genuine,then ignore what I said above.You still need more proof though and have a longer relationship in order to not get refused.