This website is the government of Ontario website and covers 99% of the questions you need answering. It also has forums with peoples true stories about settlement, struggles to find work, housing etc etc .... take the time to check it out it will help with your decision making.
As for me, came here 5 years ago, love the place but cant stand the way of life and manipulative government, legal extortion and unbelievable high costs for everything. I cant afford to go back to England but I can go to America and thats where I'm headed. I feel sorry for the Canadians who are stuck here with no prospects, its not thier fault, but we are given a picture of a land of opportunity. Thats something it definately is not!!
Dont get me wrong, if you come from a 3rd world country where you dont have much and dont expect much then Canada is the place for you, but ... if you come from a place where the people have backbone and fight for whats right, dont come to Canada it will drive you crazy!! no one fights for anything, its just accepted as 'the way its always been'.
Good luck all. I do love Canada for its beauty and surroundings but realistically each community is isolated form the next and its like a million independantly run places. Never midnt he right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing! these guys run thier towns and cities how they want regardless of what the people want.
This website is the government of Ontario website and covers 99% of the questions you need answering. It also has forums with peoples true stories about settlement, struggles to find work, housing etc etc .... take the time to check it out it will help with your decision making.
As for me, came here 5 years ago, love the place but cant stand the way of life and manipulative government, legal extortion and unbelievable high costs for everything. I cant afford to go back to England but I can go to America and thats where I'm headed. I feel sorry for the Canadians who are stuck here with no prospects, its not thier fault, but we are given a picture of a land of opportunity. Thats something it definately is not!!
Dont get me wrong, if you come from a 3rd world country where you dont have much and dont expect much then Canada is the place for you, but ... if you come from a place where the people have backbone and fight for whats right, dont come to Canada it will drive you crazy!! no one fights for anything, its just accepted as 'the way its always been'.
Good luck all. I do love Canada for its beauty and surroundings but realistically each community is isolated form the next and its like a million independantly run places. Never midnt he right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing! these guys run thier towns and cities how they want regardless of what the people want.