Dear Friends,
People from every corner of world are super curious and crazy to get Canadian PR and spending huge money for agents, arranging employments, get assistance from their siblings etc...
The most famous for international people is FSW. Everybody knows what is FSW? The reality of FSW is, it's just a way to put a barrier for illiterates to enter Canada and once you enter Canada under FSW you will never get JOB in your field. Its fake program they want skilled workers, in actual they want skilled workers to fulfill their truck driving, aupai, toilet cleaning, security guard, snow removal workers and many low class jobs only.
Other side they never give immigration in NOC - C & D category people but reality is most jobs are in this category only. A canadian won't give you a job of Manager, position in Lab etc. They don't trust you for this. But they trust you for cleaning their washrooms and working in farms for long hours which results you paining your back to great extent.
They have no emotions, no humanity in them. Refugee status is also a fake in which they provide immigration to them. Most of refugees failed to call their own children, fathers bcz of Canada Immigration Rules.
No country is Bad. Your native country is not Bad where you can do the way you want to live. But in Canada you have to leave every comfort you getting in your country has to become slaves of these Canadian. They will drill your hard push severely. You will get a life of Dog who just walks on street for long hours just for getting food to survive.
In your country you never able to buy a BMW car but once you reach Canada you have a BMW car and pst selfie on your facebook showing it. Canada is basically communist. Nobody is rich there. Every one is equal. What you earn like $5000 your expenses will be $4000.. You won't save much.. It's just a pathetic life here in Canada. Super hard life, you have to work for 12-14 hours for a low class job even if you are an engineer.