Could be. I am not doubting anything or anybody. But the "Million Dollar Question" is this, in view of the happenings, Can you blame them? Take this very basic and primitive example - In our primary school days, when someone made a mischief and the teacher asked and nobody answered. Can you remember what the teachers use to do? - Punish all of us.cut said:I just told you my experience and findings after that experience. Not necessarily that all people faced same problem.
We were not denied entry but asked to provide information like relation with Pakistan, last trip to Pakistan, hosts and visit palaces in Pakistan, source of income, money transaction etc.
Last year we went to Canada without doing all this.
Unfortunately another family form Pakistan (but non Muslim) contact CHC, Pretoria and asked about this security check. The answer was, this is only for “MUSLIMS”
Unfortunately, and this is the bitter truth, people get punished because of the bad doing of a few others.
Oh and by the way, these questions are normal at any port of entry to the US as well.