Dear Members i were searching some information regarding child upkeep allowance in Canada, i got the following information, it may help the members of the forum:-
Canada Child Tax Benefit
Number of Children Basic
CCTB NCBS Total Monthly Benefit
1st child $1255 $1945 $3200 $266.67
2nd child $1255 $1720 $2975 $247.92
3rd & each additional child $1343 $1637 $2980 $248.33
* Families with net incomes below $20,435 will get the maximum CCTB - including the full NCBS and the supplement for the third and each additional child - of:
o $266.67 per month ($3,200 per year) for the first child,
o $247.92 per month ($2,975 per year) for the second child, and
o $248.33 per month ($2,980 per year) for all other children in the family, along with any supplement for children under 7 that is applicable.
* Families with net incomes between $20,435 and $36,378 will get the maximum basic CTB, the supplement for the third and each additional child, and a partial NCBS, along with any supplement for children under 7 that is applicable. Families with four or more children will also be entitled to a partial NCBS if their income is just above $36,378.
* One and two-child families with net incomes between $36,378 and approximately $99,128 will receive partial benefits. Larger families may also be entitled to a partial CCTB if their income is above $99,128.
* The annual Children’s Special Allowances amount will increase from $2,949.96 to $3,200.04. The monthly amount per child will increase from $245.83 to $266.67 in July 2006.
Canada Child Tax Benefit
Number of Children Basic
CCTB NCBS Total Monthly Benefit
1st child $1255 $1945 $3200 $266.67
2nd child $1255 $1720 $2975 $247.92
3rd & each additional child $1343 $1637 $2980 $248.33
* Families with net incomes below $20,435 will get the maximum CCTB - including the full NCBS and the supplement for the third and each additional child - of:
o $266.67 per month ($3,200 per year) for the first child,
o $247.92 per month ($2,975 per year) for the second child, and
o $248.33 per month ($2,980 per year) for all other children in the family, along with any supplement for children under 7 that is applicable.
* Families with net incomes between $20,435 and $36,378 will get the maximum basic CTB, the supplement for the third and each additional child, and a partial NCBS, along with any supplement for children under 7 that is applicable. Families with four or more children will also be entitled to a partial NCBS if their income is just above $36,378.
* One and two-child families with net incomes between $36,378 and approximately $99,128 will receive partial benefits. Larger families may also be entitled to a partial CCTB if their income is above $99,128.
* The annual Children’s Special Allowances amount will increase from $2,949.96 to $3,200.04. The monthly amount per child will increase from $245.83 to $266.67 in July 2006.