I think I find Israeli model better than the NZ and Australian model. This is a contagious virus, even if a single case is left in the world, it can multiply. Closing borders for how long? Bans are always for buying time to improve strategy, never full time measures. Last I heard, australia had zero community spread for around 55 days, and everything was opened, no masks, no social distancing and then unfortunately after some days one(or more) case was detected.
Canada should use this ban to improve the speed of vaccination, to make its quarrantine protocols stricter and believe me it will work for everyone.
I know most of you think that I'm against bans but like I said bans are to buy time. Say, they ban for 90 days, what happens after that, they can't stay like that forever and this covid is still there in other countries, so when they reopen, unless their own population is vastly vaccinated, things go back to the way they were because covid spreads very fast.
Canada should use this ban to improve the speed of vaccination, to make its quarrantine protocols stricter and believe me it will work for everyone.
I know most of you think that I'm against bans but like I said bans are to buy time. Say, they ban for 90 days, what happens after that, they can't stay like that forever and this covid is still there in other countries, so when they reopen, unless their own population is vastly vaccinated, things go back to the way they were because covid spreads very fast.