You show funds (cash in bank), ties to return (job is not a tie to return, family, children, investments, income property), travel history and valid reasons to travel.
what if your sibling is in Canada with family and has a PR, sponsors you for convocation (age 24+)?
How much funds should be in bank? and there is no travel history.
what if your sibling is in Canada with family and has a PR, sponsors you for convocation (age 24+)?
How much funds should be in bank? and there is no travel history.
your sibling cannot sponsor you to become PR. There is no "sponsorship" for visitor visa. Your sibling can write an invitiation letter.
You need to have funds in your own account. The fund depends on how long your visit. You need to show enough funds for flights, accomodation and spendings. And it should not be everything you have in your account for 1 trip.
what if your sibling is in Canada with family and has a PR, sponsors you for convocation (age 24+)?
How much funds should be in bank? and there is no travel history.