r u unloading by my CIC account or IRCC web form.416siha said:
Yes. You can see the button for doing precisely that on your screen print. Can them and save them as PDF's I suggest, the upload those.416siha said:By scanned I mean the forms that are re-requested. Let's say the once we print off and sign and date, can we scan after that and upload them here? Right now I gotta upload the following before March 23rd. Please help!!
IRCC is the new name for CIC (changed last year). They're often used interchangeably.416siha said:I was asking whether I can upload them to CIC. I'm not exactly sure what IRCC is though.
I cannot tell from that screenshot, but this is the one you should be uploading and validating:416siha said:Everyone keeps saying that this is a validating form, but I don't see any validating options to click. Just curious am I missing something here? this is the top of what the form looks like.
This is the right one right? and does my spouse need to sign it or not? She said she will print it out and scan it so we can upload it to CIC, is this not required? Can we just upload it without printing?
Yes the new schedule A form has 5 pages and it's last updated (01-2017) it's electronically signed and gets validated, no need to print and sign.416siha said:You have got to be kiddin me.. so this is a completely different form.. will start filling this out right away. Thank you so much danawhitaker.
Since I (sponsor) have Internet and resources readily available i create his account for him and uploaded the info for him. This was achieved by him being on the phone as I read the questions and him providing the answers. The other person need to be aware of all that's being done, remember they are the one that is supposed to be doing this and if you are doing its for them, they need to be up to speed with what is imputed on the form.416siha said:Actually one more question, can I fill out her form, then digitally sign it my self in behalf of her and then upload it my self or does she need to do upload it her self using her own account? Because rightnow she doesn't have a CIC GC key account thing at the moment.