I'm not sure as an US citizen you even need to apply for a TRV. US citizens can travel to canada as visitors with just a passport, and can stay up to 6 months (assuming the border agent believes you are only going to visit and issues a long term pass). US citizens can not work or study in Canada while there as a visitor. I believe (and am not sure) a TRV is only needed if you are applying to enter after being denied entry or maybe even as part of a work visa? I am not familiar about reasons a US citizen would need to get one to travel to Canada. Perhaps if you can explain your reasoning for applying for TRV, we can offer some more advice?bonitaellada said:Why some TRVs from the US are taking 12 days and others more than 40 days?
Thank you
oh ok! I'm still not sure why you would be applying for a TRV. Will you just be visiting Canada? In that case, then you would only need to apply for a visitor's visa. A TRV is completely different. i am pretty sure TRVs are reserved for people who are studying or working in Canada. If you are a resident of the US, then you might be able to just go to the border and present them with what papers the US gave you to get in on a visitor's pass.bonitaellada said:rhcohen2014
Thank you for your reply.
I am not a US citizen. I am a resident of the US. I need a visa to visit Canada.
yes this is true, you need to get a visa to travel to canada, no matter where you are from. my point is, that it may be that you need just a straight up visitor visa, not a temporary resident visa. how long do you plan to visit? If it's a short time, it's hard to understand why you would need a TRV. From what i understand about TRVs for visitors, it's for people who have been deemed inadmissable for some reason, and they need it to accompany their application for permission to enter CAnada. There is something missing here i'm not getting. Sorry I can't be more helpful, it just seems odd to be applying for a TRV for a visit if you are currently working in the US.bonitaellada said:TRV = temporary resident visa. It is issued to students, workers and VISITORS
Even if I am a US resident (Work visa not Green Card holder) I need a visa to enter Canada
"-I am settled in Toronto and have very little knowledge of other places in Canada
-I am not in touch with new FSW rules
-I can surely help in settling issues, document required and other advice required
-All information provided is best to my knowledge and experience, however it is strongly recommended that one should visit the official CIC website and relevant bodies before taking any decision. The information/guidance provided is completely in personal capacity.
Thank You & Good Luck"