The format should be a standard block-style letter with the date, addressee (CIC), and author (whoever's writing the reference letter - managers, supervisors, co-workers, etc.).
The letter should include details like...
* how long they've known you
* how they met you
* what kind of work you did (go into as much detail as could be beneficial)
* what they observed of your work and character
The purpose of the letter is to authenticate your work experience and, hopefully, to provide a character reference. So anything along those lines is fair game.
The letter should be printed on company letterhead and signed. If for some reason the company's letterhead can't be used (like a policy against it, for example), then you should have the letter printed on plain paper with the signer's business card attached. This provides a means for CIC to follow-up with that person if they chose to do so.
Ideally, you want to get letters to cover all of the jobs you've held that are considered crucial to your application. For example, if you're applying under the Skilled Worker category as an IT Programmer, and you've held 3 jobs related to that, you'll want to try to get reference letters that detail what you did and how you performed in all of those jobs. So that could be one long reference letter from a single Supervisor, three shorter reference letters from three Supervisors, or something in-between. You don't need a letter from every supervisor you had.
Personally, I found that the best way to do this was to write my own reference letters and submit them to my managers for review/signature. That way I made sure all of my experience was included - and my managers were grateful not to have to write the letters themselves. They just added their opinions about work ethic, etc.
Good luck!