I as a human rights lawyer think that there are two issues to be addressed by the Petition.
First. I think that the applicants who have been granted PR status under the old rules were treated unfairly by the Harper Government. The new draconian law should have not jeopardized their initial conditions promised by the Canadian legislature. Most of the applicants waiting time for their PR status was delayed. They suffered a lot inconvenience, so did their family. A the end they received their status - with their plans delayed - only to face a new challenge - a new waste of their life time, i.e. 4 years residency with 183 physical residency requirement. This is called an immigration slavery invented by the Harper xenophobic regime. All these PR holders should be treated fairly. They should be rewarded for their patience and loyalty to the PR program advertised by the Government of a democratic nation.
Secondly. The proposed revision should be applied to all those individuals who will apply and who will receive their PR status in the future. The freedom of movement is guaranted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We live in 21 century. People can benefit Canada while working outside. No one has the right to question their disloyalty. The current new stage of economic recession - caused by the politicians like Harper and Bush and alike - compels many educated people to look for jobs and opportunities around the world. This does not mean however that they do not intend to be citizens of Canada. They do, but they want to sustain their families, build the financial foundation for their kids and families.
In short, the Harper draconian law was driven by the right wing and as such highly discriminatory political motives, which resemble the Hitler era. They should be not cosmetically revised, but rescinded as inhumane and unfair and inconsistent with the spirit of the Canadian Constitution, values of the many generations of Canadian who made this country great and respected globally.
I totally support and salute your effort to launch a powerful Petition, which should request a savior Justine to rescind the Harper law and restore the previous one which will recruit thousands of new defenders of Canadian foundation against bigots like Harper who caused so much stress and humiliation to Canada both domestically and internationally.