I just wanted to update everyone. I did send all documents and a letter to vegreville hoping they would re open my case. Without my knowledge the consultant we were using had sent one too. ( probably hoping to if. Her mess up)
I recieved a response Letter in the mail from cic in regards to to the letter the agent had sent and it came back refused as you all had predicted, so I figured the things I sent would also get refused /denied and I was preparing myself to re apply, collecting photographs again and so on.
But on Dec 10 the we got a Letter via snail mail in response to the letter I sent to vegreville, and the reopened our file!!

I couldn't even believe it!!!!!
They have asked for finger prints for my spouse from the RCMP agAin this week and I think maybe because the others have expired by now. And they said they sent. Reques to Bucharest for info about his dependant. Hold who is not coming to Canada. But she's a minor so they need to verify. Now we wait
Wonder how much longer ? But the best news is that they agreed to reopen our file!