Its totally at the discretion of the officer you get. If they suspect you are coming to the US to work illegally, they can deny you entry. They don't even have to tell you why they are denying you. They don't need to prove anything, mere suspicion is enough. The burden is yours to prove your trip is legitimate. If you say you are coming for a job interview they may want to know if you have authorization to work in the US. If you don't, you better be prepared to explain that you intend to get it before working in the US. Still, it will be up to the particular officer as to whether or not you get in. Even attending a job interview might be seen as potentially depriving a US citizen of a job.
If you choose to conceal the purpose of your trip. Be prepared for invasive questions from CBP. They are trained to get people to admit to things they are concealing.
In short, you could have no problems at all OR you could have a very rough day.