+1(514) 937-9445 or Toll-free (Canada & US) +1 (888) 947-9445



Star Member
Oct 11, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Doc's Request.
May 10
IELTS Request
Submitted with Docs
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Aug 10
Med's Done....
Aug 10
Passport Req..
Dec 10
Feb 11
Last week of March 2011. (Alhamdolillah)
love20 said:
Applications received toward the overall cap: 4,086 of 20,000 as of November 22, 2010

Applications received per eligible occupation:

Eligible Occupation
(by National Occupational Classification [NOC] code) Number of Complete Applications Received*
0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers 191
0811 Primary Production Managers (except Agriculture) 38
1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management 1,000
(Cap reached)**
1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners 57
2121 Biologists and Related Scientists 223
2151 Architects 228
3111 Specialist Physicians 181
3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians 218
3113 Dentists 266
3131 Pharmacists 363
3142 Physiotherapists 78
3152 Registered Nurses 641
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists 15
3222 Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists 6
3233 Licensed Practical Nurses 23
4151 Psychologists 51
4152 Social Workers 135
6241 Chefs 26
6242 Cooks 60
7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 35
7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades 86
7241 Electricians (except Industrial and Power System) 41
7242 Industrial Electricians 49
7251 Plumbers 14
7265 Welders and Related Machine Operators 10
7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 18
[flash=200,200]http://7371 Crane Operators 1[/flash]
7372 Drillers and Blasters – Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 4
8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service 28
So finally they have found one Crane Operator who can qualify for canadian imm ;D ;-)


Star Member
Nov 1, 2010
Visa Office......
CPC Ottawa
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
09-05-2014, returned mistakingly & resubmitted August 7th.
KShahid said:
So finally they have found one Crane Operator who can qualify for canadian imm ;D ;-)
Hello guys,

Planning to land in Calgary too sometime in 2011 - Human Resources in Oil and Gas.

Wish you all the best of luck.


Hero Member
Jul 30, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb. 15/2010
Doc's Request.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
only God knows
muslim2009 said:
Hello guys,

Planning to land in Calgary too sometime in 2011 - Human Resources in Oil and Gas.

Wish you all the best of luck.
my destination is also Calgary.i am waiting medical request.i know it is too early but i have fear how to find a safe residential house for my 2 kids. i am a single father so i am worrying too much how i can handle their!!
Please do you any idea an organization who will guide starting at air port???
please senior UR idea is helpful for me.
my best wish to all


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2010
Job Offer........

jay10 said:

What is your field of specialization in Geology..............i mean getechnics?mining?environmental?geophysics?

I have mixed experience both in oil industry and currently in environmental field.



Star Member
May 20, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
Visa Office......
Buffalo, NY
Job Offer........
06/08/2010, Edmonton
Pachochay said:
Hi Neel. congratulations on your job offers! We are planning to land in Edmonton also as we have relative there. My husband is also a civil engineer while I am a CPA. We are still waiting for our MR though. Meanwhile, hope to read some "sharings/tips" on life in general there. Goodluck on all your endeavors there!
Hi pachochay,

Thanks:) if you like lot of snow all time you will love edmonton:)i was there last week and it snowed lot, however this is just november. But its prettyyy. You have relatives there so u will be fine. I made some more friends in my last visit. some of my old friends moved to Calgary. i already gave notice to my current employer in US and wrapping my stuff up from here. Will find some apartment soon there. I should be moving to edmonton by december first week. Keep in touch when u come to edmonton. I hope we can make a big group of edmonton:)


Hero Member
Sep 30, 2009
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
Planning in Autumn of 2010
Hi Calgary Group,

Thought of re posting this info which i had initially posted under a different head during this month.Hope it is of some help as it pertains to Calgary.


" Hi Qorax / Other members,

The following is my experience of landing in Canada as well as the settling down process and finally the job search.
I have split it in 3 parts - landing process,settlement process,job process
I have only listed my experience and my intention is to pass on the info which maybe both positive and negative.

Landing Process -

- I landed in Calgary in the beginning of Oct'10.
- The landing process – We(my wife and kid) came thro British airways from India after a changeover at London.The food and the comfort levels inside the flight were ok but the service was not something to shout about.But I heard the Luft flights via Frankfurt were worse in terms of seat comfort compared to BA.
- If you want to call India from London during the stopover,then you better carry the calling cards form India.I hopped on to the internet at the London airport as somebody had not utilised the time fully and it was open.
- Do not carry any perfumes or body sprays of more than 100 ml.At the London airport we were delayed as we had 200 ml liquid with us of body spray in the hand baggage.
- Once we reached Calgary we were met by the passport control who guided us to the immigration counters and welcomed us in a nice manner.
- At the immigration,very few people were there and we applied for our PR cards.It is a very simple process and you only need to have the local address ready.I had filled in some PR application forms which were not necessary.Still not received.
- From there we went to the Customs.The guy at the counter was impressed with the way I had organised the papers and photos of both B4 and B4A.The result was he never told us to open anything and just asked me to show him the dollar draft which I was carrying.At the PR process we were asked how much funds we are carrying.
- We came out and were received by my relative with whom we intended to stay.He arranged for a Limo at the airport and we reached his place.It was night time and we took rest after chatting for a long time as we were meeting after a long time.

Settlement Process –

- The next day we went for the SIN card.It was applied at the service Canada office near the Chinook mall,We were received in an impressive way and were given the pamphlets and necessary papers needed for integrating into the Canadian way of life.
- At this place they have free internet services and telephone services.Also they have literature on how to build your resume,the Canadian way.
- Due to the recession, the govt had sponsored a programme called tactics for success,but this was discontinued from nov'10 as the official word here is, Canada is limping out of recession.
- Since then I have received the SIN cards for all the family.
- From there went and applied for the Alberta health card which we have to do in registries which have been opened at different locations.We got the card immediately and we were told that the insurance coverage starts from the day we landed.
- Then another day I went for the driving licence.I was told to take a computer test of 30 questions out of which we need to answer 25 correctly.I got the handbook from the registry itself for free and prepared myself and passed the test at the first attempt.There is no time limit for the test.
- Subsequently I got my eye tested at the same place and I was handed over my Alberta class 7 driving licence with which I cannot do anything.I submitted my Indian driving licence along with the RTA letter for waiver of the waiting period for GDL licence or class 5 licence.I got the waiver in 2 weks time and I am now intending to take the road test after undergoing some driving classes and theory classes for which I need to enrol in the driving institute.
- I opened a bank account with the RBC as they have a programme for new immigrants.They gave me waiver of fees for one year and they gave me their popular savings account as I had deposited the dollar draft with them.Also they have approved for me a credit card for 1,000/= dollars.Cheque book of 100 leaves is also free.
- In between we went to Edmonton as my relative drove me and my family and we visited the West Edmonton mall which is quite huge with all the brands under a single roof.Also there is a huge area for kid games.
- I sent my wife and kid back after a week's stay as I intended to settle down first before I bring them here for good ,maybe after 6 months.
- I fell sick due to the cold climate, to which I have never been exposed to this extent,I utilised my insurance card and had to pay only for the prescriptions.But even the medicines are expensive here and when you get a job you should try to get your employer to cover at least 70-80% of the prescriptions and eye and dental care as the insurance does not cover.It may have been necessary to go to the physio for me but luckily I improved.Mind you physio is not covered and physio or the chiropractor will cost you exhorbitant.
- Still I have not got the hang of the mobile phone scene in Canada and every operator is a rip off.Unfortunately for a developed country like Canada the mobile scene is quite primitive and the reason is they are monopolising with a few operators and not encouraging healthy competition,resulting in woes for the customer.I would welcome if anybody can give me the name of a mobile operator who is square and fair in his dealings.And mind you, do not ever enter into any sort of contract.Always double check the contract if you want to enter.

Job process –

- After I sent my family I went headlong into my job search.I am an accountant and I was looking for a job in my same profession.
- Initially I went leather and tongs with my cv application and started applying thro the net across canada wherever there was an accounting job.I was open for relocation.But this strategy of mine was error prone.
- First of all you need to evaluate your foreign credentials.I have sent mine for evaluation and orally they have given me advanced standing status in my profession which I incorporated in my cv.It helped me for future applications.
- Then I changed my cv a little bit by downplaying my experience as I have 15 years of experience and the Canadian market does not recognise it.So what use, is having it, as it discouraged employers as they thought maybe they would not be able to accommodate me in the middle rung or entry level positions.
- I met the job consultants and also attended a career job fair from where I came to know the importance of tailoring your resume w.r.t. the job you are applying.Also the cover note to the resume was modified showing your strengths vis a vis the company requirement.
- The consultants told me that I have three options to land a job – 1.) I should be open to entry level jobs in my profession and start applying for it as even though my qualifications were partly recognised but I do not have the Canadian experience.My friends,I tell you ,Canadian experience is the biggest stumbling block for all of us.2.)Try to apply and get a contractual job in the oil and gas industry.This is a temporary job but the pay or the rate per hour will be high compared to a normal job as there are no benefits other than the money in this.Here chances are good as being temporary the employer will take a chance with a guy without Canadian experience.It is hire and fire.3.)Networking – Please note this word is the most important in Canada.Most of the Canadian people themselves jump jobs because of their network.How to get this – is a difficult question and you need to keep your eyes and ears open and try to build the network thro a chain of people.You have to start somewhere.As we people are new to this place we are severely handicapped.Eg: Here the recruitment is done by the hiring manager and not the HR manager.The hiring manager is the guy who is directly related to the position for which you are taken in.Hence always try to get the contacts of hiring managers and give them cold calls.Do not worry about the impact.Nothing adverse will happen.
- Based on the above I changed my approach and started applying selectively and by modifications to the cv based on the job on hand.
- Of course there are so many other things which I have missed out or which does not come to my mind.
- This is a whole time job which I did for one month day and night literally.I used to sit up before the computer from morning upto evening as if it was a job at the office.
- Thro the good offices of my relative,he forwarded my resume based on an opportunity inside his office to the hiring manager as by chance he came to know who the hiring manager was.Based on his email I was called for an interview after the 3rd day of my landing.I attended the interview,did very well both technically as well as soft skills.I was very confident and assumed that I had landed this job.But I waited for 3 weeks,no word from them and one fine day I got a rejection email.I was down and out and thought that I had let slip off a golden opportunity presented to me on a platter after I landed.Add to it ,it was top notch company.Most of the questions were concerning behavioural skills and if you get an interview call then more than half the battle is won.
- Then the same I st week of my landing I got another interview call for an opportunity I had applied when I was working in dubai.This was a very old and reputed company in Canada.The nature of job needed lot of networking abilities where I found myself wanting at this stage.So here the chances were limited.
- After this almost for a month I had nothing on my plate and was really getting depressed off and on.I prayed to god that desperation should not set in and intended to join in the same profession rather than doing survival jobs.
- After exactly a month I got an interview call.Initially after applying I was constantly in touch with the HR and she gave told me the process of selection.But after following up for almost a fortnight one fine day when I contacted them again the HR told me that job is on hold and the Hiring manager may reconsider it after sometime.Then I went to the website of that company and got hold of one of the email IDs of the Hiring guy there and sent him a cold mail explaining myself.I do not know what happened but the guy replied immediately and asked me out for an interview.We met outside the office and he was impressed by me and told me to come to the office for a second round of interview.I was able to impress his boss too and I got the job offer in my same profession at almost the same level with a pay packet in recognition of my qualifications and experience.
- It has been a roller coaster ride of a month at times depressing .But somehow I tried to extricate out of this by concentrating on the few positives.A positive attitude with the necessary drive is essential here no matter what you are or who you are.It has been an experience which I took upon myself and even if I did not succeed I do not have any boby to blame except for me as the decision to immigrate was mine and I was fully aware of the potholes ahead.So be aware and be ahead of the bunch should be the motto.Jobs are available.It is only that you need to be at the right place at the right time.Some people call it luck but I would call it destiny.
- I have received a call for another interview after I got the firm offer.So it looks like the economy is on the verge of recovery and hope it stays that way.
- I am right now on my house search which is quite expensive here.So long my stay at my relative's place saved me my penny for which I am thankful.

I have got a lot from this forum especially from our dear captain Qorax and other members.This is just a small way of my reciprocation.
Qorax and other senior members - you people are doing a tremendous yeoman service and it is my suggestion that you enliven this forum by your thought process and genuine intention to help others, of course ,based on your personal commitments which differ from individual to individual.
All the best to all the prospective immigrants as well as to the recently landed immigrants.Keep working at it and leave the rest to destiny which never let's any genuine effort go in vain.
Special mention for Qorax – You just do not stop amazing me with your energy,wisdom and selfless service which you have volunteered.Hats off to you.I have been a sort of muted spectator at this forum but the way and the promptness with which Qorax replies back is phenomenal.
Thanks for reading this mail.It will be a bonus for me if you take any positives from here.


Pen Pal "


Hero Member
Oct 21, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
received by G. Miller 20-10-2010
AOR Received.
14-02-2011(PER); 09-03-2011(2nd AOR)
IELTS Request
sent along with other docs to CIO
Med's Request
Passport Req..
July 2011 in Calgary
Nice post penpal very informative. Goodluck to you.


Hero Member
Nov 9, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
BD has been cashed out(Nov.10,2010)
In Process(February 23,2011),Centralized Intake Office Sydney (CIO-S) Eligibility Review Complete (February 26,2011)
AOR Received.
PER received February 23,2011,2nd AOR(Per) March 17,2011
IELTS Request
submitted with the rest of the documents
File Transfer...
March 24,2011
Med's Request
July 13,2011
Med's Done....
July 28,2011.Payment for processing and RPRF for my wife done in SEPT.16,2011
i hope not
Passport Req..
Jan 11,2011
April 30,2012..Successfully completed and became a permanent resident holder.
Thank you so much for the info.I really enjoy reading it,and learning from your experience.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

penpal said:
Hi Calgary Group,

Thought of re posting this info which i had initially posted under a different head during this month.Hope it is of some help as it pertains to Calgary.


" Hi Qorax / Other members,

The following is my experience of landing in Canada as well as the settling down process and finally the job search.
I have split it in 3 parts - landing process,settlement process,job process
I have only listed my experience and my intention is to pass on the info which maybe both positive and negative.

Landing Process -

- I landed in Calgary in the beginning of Oct'10.
- The landing process – We(my wife and kid) came thro British airways from India after a changeover at London.The food and the comfort levels inside the flight were ok but the service was not something to shout about.But I heard the Luft flights via Frankfurt were worse in terms of seat comfort compared to BA.
- If you want to call India from London during the stopover,then you better carry the calling cards form India.I hopped on to the internet at the London airport as somebody had not utilised the time fully and it was open.
- Do not carry any perfumes or body sprays of more than 100 ml.At the London airport we were delayed as we had 200 ml liquid with us of body spray in the hand baggage.
- Once we reached Calgary we were met by the passport control who guided us to the immigration counters and welcomed us in a nice manner.
- At the immigration,very few people were there and we applied for our PR cards.It is a very simple process and you only need to have the local address ready.I had filled in some PR application forms which were not necessary.Still not received.
- From there we went to the Customs.The guy at the counter was impressed with the way I had organised the papers and photos of both B4 and B4A.The result was he never told us to open anything and just asked me to show him the dollar draft which I was carrying.At the PR process we were asked how much funds we are carrying.
- We came out and were received by my relative with whom we intended to stay.He arranged for a Limo at the airport and we reached his place.It was night time and we took rest after chatting for a long time as we were meeting after a long time.

Settlement Process –

- The next day we went for the SIN card.It was applied at the service Canada office near the Chinook mall,We were received in an impressive way and were given the pamphlets and necessary papers needed for integrating into the Canadian way of life.
- At this place they have free internet services and telephone services.Also they have literature on how to build your resume,the Canadian way.
- Due to the recession, the govt had sponsored a programme called tactics for success,but this was discontinued from nov'10 as the official word here is, Canada is limping out of recession.
- Since then I have received the SIN cards for all the family.
- From there went and applied for the Alberta health card which we have to do in registries which have been opened at different locations.We got the card immediately and we were told that the insurance coverage starts from the day we landed.
- Then another day I went for the driving licence.I was told to take a computer test of 30 questions out of which we need to answer 25 correctly.I got the handbook from the registry itself for free and prepared myself and passed the test at the first attempt.There is no time limit for the test.
- Subsequently I got my eye tested at the same place and I was handed over my Alberta class 7 driving licence with which I cannot do anything.I submitted my Indian driving licence along with the RTA letter for waiver of the waiting period for GDL licence or class 5 licence.I got the waiver in 2 weks time and I am now intending to take the road test after undergoing some driving classes and theory classes for which I need to enrol in the driving institute.
- I opened a bank account with the RBC as they have a programme for new immigrants.They gave me waiver of fees for one year and they gave me their popular savings account as I had deposited the dollar draft with them.Also they have approved for me a credit card for 1,000/= dollars.Cheque book of 100 leaves is also free.
- In between we went to Edmonton as my relative drove me and my family and we visited the West Edmonton mall which is quite huge with all the brands under a single roof.Also there is a huge area for kid games.
- I sent my wife and kid back after a week's stay as I intended to settle down first before I bring them here for good ,maybe after 6 months.
- I fell sick due to the cold climate, to which I have never been exposed to this extent,I utilised my insurance card and had to pay only for the prescriptions.But even the medicines are expensive here and when you get a job you should try to get your employer to cover at least 70-80% of the prescriptions and eye and dental care as the insurance does not cover.It may have been necessary to go to the physio for me but luckily I improved.Mind you physio is not covered and physio or the chiropractor will cost you exhorbitant.
- Still I have not got the hang of the mobile phone scene in Canada and every operator is a rip off.Unfortunately for a developed country like Canada the mobile scene is quite primitive and the reason is they are monopolising with a few operators and not encouraging healthy competition,resulting in woes for the customer.I would welcome if anybody can give me the name of a mobile operator who is square and fair in his dealings.And mind you, do not ever enter into any sort of contract.Always double check the contract if you want to enter.

Job process –

- After I sent my family I went headlong into my job search.I am an accountant and I was looking for a job in my same profession.
- Initially I went leather and tongs with my cv application and started applying thro the net across canada wherever there was an accounting job.I was open for relocation.But this strategy of mine was error prone.
- First of all you need to evaluate your foreign credentials.I have sent mine for evaluation and orally they have given me advanced standing status in my profession which I incorporated in my cv.It helped me for future applications.
- Then I changed my cv a little bit by downplaying my experience as I have 15 years of experience and the Canadian market does not recognise it.So what use, is having it, as it discouraged employers as they thought maybe they would not be able to accommodate me in the middle rung or entry level positions.
- I met the job consultants and also attended a career job fair from where I came to know the importance of tailoring your resume w.r.t. the job you are applying.Also the cover note to the resume was modified showing your strengths vis a vis the company requirement.
- The consultants told me that I have three options to land a job – 1.) I should be open to entry level jobs in my profession and start applying for it as even though my qualifications were partly recognised but I do not have the Canadian experience.My friends,I tell you ,Canadian experience is the biggest stumbling block for all of us.2.)Try to apply and get a contractual job in the oil and gas industry.This is a temporary job but the pay or the rate per hour will be high compared to a normal job as there are no benefits other than the money in this.Here chances are good as being temporary the employer will take a chance with a guy without Canadian experience.It is hire and fire.3.)Networking – Please note this word is the most important in Canada.Most of the Canadian people themselves jump jobs because of their network.How to get this – is a difficult question and you need to keep your eyes and ears open and try to build the network thro a chain of people.You have to start somewhere.As we people are new to this place we are severely handicapped.Eg: Here the recruitment is done by the hiring manager and not the HR manager.The hiring manager is the guy who is directly related to the position for which you are taken in.Hence always try to get the contacts of hiring managers and give them cold calls.Do not worry about the impact.Nothing adverse will happen.
- Based on the above I changed my approach and started applying selectively and by modifications to the cv based on the job on hand.
- Of course there are so many other things which I have missed out or which does not come to my mind.
- This is a whole time job which I did for one month day and night literally.I used to sit up before the computer from morning upto evening as if it was a job at the office.
- Thro the good offices of my relative,he forwarded my resume based on an opportunity inside his office to the hiring manager as by chance he came to know who the hiring manager was.Based on his email I was called for an interview after the 3rd day of my landing.I attended the interview,did very well both technically as well as soft skills.I was very confident and assumed that I had landed this job.But I waited for 3 weeks,no word from them and one fine day I got a rejection email.I was down and out and thought that I had let slip off a golden opportunity presented to me on a platter after I landed.Add to it ,it was top notch company.Most of the questions were concerning behavioural skills and if you get an interview call then more than half the battle is won.
- Then the same I st week of my landing I got another interview call for an opportunity I had applied when I was working in dubai.This was a very old and reputed company in Canada.The nature of job needed lot of networking abilities where I found myself wanting at this stage.So here the chances were limited.
- After this almost for a month I had nothing on my plate and was really getting depressed off and on.I prayed to god that desperation should not set in and intended to join in the same profession rather than doing survival jobs.
- After exactly a month I got an interview call.Initially after applying I was constantly in touch with the HR and she gave told me the process of selection.But after following up for almost a fortnight one fine day when I contacted them again the HR told me that job is on hold and the Hiring manager may reconsider it after sometime.Then I went to the website of that company and got hold of one of the email IDs of the Hiring guy there and sent him a cold mail explaining myself.I do not know what happened but the guy replied immediately and asked me out for an interview.We met outside the office and he was impressed by me and told me to come to the office for a second round of interview.I was able to impress his boss too and I got the job offer in my same profession at almost the same level with a pay packet in recognition of my qualifications and experience.
- It has been a roller coaster ride of a month at times depressing .But somehow I tried to extricate out of this by concentrating on the few positives.A positive attitude with the necessary drive is essential here no matter what you are or who you are.It has been an experience which I took upon myself and even if I did not succeed I do not have any boby to blame except for me as the decision to immigrate was mine and I was fully aware of the potholes ahead.So be aware and be ahead of the bunch should be the motto.Jobs are available.It is only that you need to be at the right place at the right time.Some people call it luck but I would call it destiny.
- I have received a call for another interview after I got the firm offer.So it looks like the economy is on the verge of recovery and hope it stays that way.
- I am right now on my house search which is quite expensive here.So long my stay at my relative's place saved me my penny for which I am thankful.

I have got a lot from this forum especially from our dear captain Qorax and other members.This is just a small way of my reciprocation.
Qorax and other senior members - you people are doing a tremendous yeoman service and it is my suggestion that you enliven this forum by your thought process and genuine intention to help others, of course ,based on your personal commitments which differ from individual to individual.
All the best to all the prospective immigrants as well as to the recently landed immigrants.Keep working at it and leave the rest to destiny which never let's any genuine effort go in vain.
Special mention for Qorax – You just do not stop amazing me with your energy,wisdom and selfless service which you have volunteered.Hats off to you.I have been a sort of muted spectator at this forum but the way and the promptness with which Qorax replies back is phenomenal.
Thanks for reading this mail.It will be a bonus for me if you take any positives from here.


Pen Pal "


Star Member
Jun 23, 2010
Visa Office......
Vegreville, Alberta
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
12/mar /2012
still waiting
Hi Thanks for your support,
Can you please tell what does RTA means when u applied for a driving licence,also please confirm is it necessary to carry a letter along that their is no legal or accident case on the Licence holder from india

penpal said:
Hi Calgary Group,

Thought of re posting this info which i had initially posted under a different head during this month.Hope it is of some help as it pertains to Calgary.


" Hi Qorax / Other members,

The following is my experience of landing in Canada as well as the settling down process and finally the job search.
I have split it in 3 parts - landing process,settlement process,job process
I have only listed my experience and my intention is to pass on the info which maybe both positive and negative.

Landing Process -

- I landed in Calgary in the beginning of Oct'10.
- The landing process – We(my wife and kid) came thro British airways from India after a changeover at London.The food and the comfort levels inside the flight were ok but the service was not something to shout about.But I heard the Luft flights via Frankfurt were worse in terms of seat comfort compared to BA.
- If you want to call India from London during the stopover,then you better carry the calling cards form India.I hopped on to the internet at the London airport as somebody had not utilised the time fully and it was open.
- Do not carry any perfumes or body sprays of more than 100 ml.At the London airport we were delayed as we had 200 ml liquid with us of body spray in the hand baggage.
- Once we reached Calgary we were met by the passport control who guided us to the immigration counters and welcomed us in a nice manner.
- At the immigration,very few people were there and we applied for our PR cards.It is a very simple process and you only need to have the local address ready.I had filled in some PR application forms which were not necessary.Still not received.
- From there we went to the Customs.The guy at the counter was impressed with the way I had organised the papers and photos of both B4 and B4A.The result was he never told us to open anything and just asked me to show him the dollar draft which I was carrying.At the PR process we were asked how much funds we are carrying.
- We came out and were received by my relative with whom we intended to stay.He arranged for a Limo at the airport and we reached his place.It was night time and we took rest after chatting for a long time as we were meeting after a long time.

Settlement Process –

- The next day we went for the SIN card.It was applied at the service Canada office near the Chinook mall,We were received in an impressive way and were given the pamphlets and necessary papers needed for integrating into the Canadian way of life.
- At this place they have free internet services and telephone services.Also they have literature on how to build your resume,the Canadian way.
- Due to the recession, the govt had sponsored a programme called tactics for success,but this was discontinued from nov'10 as the official word here is, Canada is limping out of recession.
- Since then I have received the SIN cards for all the family.
- From there went and applied for the Alberta health card which we have to do in registries which have been opened at different locations.We got the card immediately and we were told that the insurance coverage starts from the day we landed.
- Then another day I went for the driving licence.I was told to take a computer test of 30 questions out of which we need to answer 25 correctly.I got the handbook from the registry itself for free and prepared myself and passed the test at the first attempt.There is no time limit for the test.
- Subsequently I got my eye tested at the same place and I was handed over my Alberta class 7 driving licence with which I cannot do anything.I submitted my Indian driving licence along with the RTA letter for waiver of the waiting period for GDL licence or class 5 licence.I got the waiver in 2 weks time and I am now intending to take the road test after undergoing some driving classes and theory classes for which I need to enrol in the driving institute.
- I opened a bank account with the RBC as they have a programme for new immigrants.They gave me waiver of fees for one year and they gave me their popular savings account as I had deposited the dollar draft with them.Also they have approved for me a credit card for 1,000/= dollars.Cheque book of 100 leaves is also free.
- In between we went to Edmonton as my relative drove me and my family and we visited the West Edmonton mall which is quite huge with all the brands under a single roof.Also there is a huge area for kid games.
- I sent my wife and kid back after a week's stay as I intended to settle down first before I bring them here for good ,maybe after 6 months.
- I fell sick due to the cold climate, to which I have never been exposed to this extent,I utilised my insurance card and had to pay only for the prescriptions.But even the medicines are expensive here and when you get a job you should try to get your employer to cover at least 70-80% of the prescriptions and eye and dental care as the insurance does not cover.It may have been necessary to go to the physio for me but luckily I improved.Mind you physio is not covered and physio or the chiropractor will cost you exhorbitant.
- Still I have not got the hang of the mobile phone scene in Canada and every operator is a rip off.Unfortunately for a developed country like Canada the mobile scene is quite primitive and the reason is they are monopolising with a few operators and not encouraging healthy competition,resulting in woes for the customer.I would welcome if anybody can give me the name of a mobile operator who is square and fair in his dealings.And mind you, do not ever enter into any sort of contract.Always double check the contract if you want to enter.

Job process –

- After I sent my family I went headlong into my job search.I am an accountant and I was looking for a job in my same profession.
- Initially I went leather and tongs with my cv application and started applying thro the net across canada wherever there was an accounting job.I was open for relocation.But this strategy of mine was error prone.
- First of all you need to evaluate your foreign credentials.I have sent mine for evaluation and orally they have given me advanced standing status in my profession which I incorporated in my cv.It helped me for future applications.
- Then I changed my cv a little bit by downplaying my experience as I have 15 years of experience and the Canadian market does not recognise it.So what use, is having it, as it discouraged employers as they thought maybe they would not be able to accommodate me in the middle rung or entry level positions.
- I met the job consultants and also attended a career job fair from where I came to know the importance of tailoring your resume w.r.t. the job you are applying.Also the cover note to the resume was modified showing your strengths vis a vis the company requirement.
- The consultants told me that I have three options to land a job – 1.) I should be open to entry level jobs in my profession and start applying for it as even though my qualifications were partly recognised but I do not have the Canadian experience.My friends,I tell you ,Canadian experience is the biggest stumbling block for all of us.2.)Try to apply and get a contractual job in the oil and gas industry.This is a temporary job but the pay or the rate per hour will be high compared to a normal job as there are no benefits other than the money in this.Here chances are good as being temporary the employer will take a chance with a guy without Canadian experience.It is hire and fire.3.)Networking – Please note this word is the most important in Canada.Most of the Canadian people themselves jump jobs because of their network.How to get this – is a difficult question and you need to keep your eyes and ears open and try to build the network thro a chain of people.You have to start somewhere.As we people are new to this place we are severely handicapped.Eg: Here the recruitment is done by the hiring manager and not the HR manager.The hiring manager is the guy who is directly related to the position for which you are taken in.Hence always try to get the contacts of hiring managers and give them cold calls.Do not worry about the impact.Nothing adverse will happen.
- Based on the above I changed my approach and started applying selectively and by modifications to the cv based on the job on hand.
- Of course there are so many other things which I have missed out or which does not come to my mind.
- This is a whole time job which I did for one month day and night literally.I used to sit up before the computer from morning upto evening as if it was a job at the office.
- Thro the good offices of my relative,he forwarded my resume based on an opportunity inside his office to the hiring manager as by chance he came to know who the hiring manager was.Based on his email I was called for an interview after the 3rd day of my landing.I attended the interview,did very well both technically as well as soft skills.I was very confident and assumed that I had landed this job.But I waited for 3 weeks,no word from them and one fine day I got a rejection email.I was down and out and thought that I had let slip off a golden opportunity presented to me on a platter after I landed.Add to it ,it was top notch company.Most of the questions were concerning behavioural skills and if you get an interview call then more than half the battle is won.
- Then the same I st week of my landing I got another interview call for an opportunity I had applied when I was working in dubai.This was a very old and reputed company in Canada.The nature of job needed lot of networking abilities where I found myself wanting at this stage.So here the chances were limited.
- After this almost for a month I had nothing on my plate and was really getting depressed off and on.I prayed to god that desperation should not set in and intended to join in the same profession rather than doing survival jobs.
- After exactly a month I got an interview call.Initially after applying I was constantly in touch with the HR and she gave told me the process of selection.But after following up for almost a fortnight one fine day when I contacted them again the HR told me that job is on hold and the Hiring manager may reconsider it after sometime.Then I went to the website of that company and got hold of one of the email IDs of the Hiring guy there and sent him a cold mail explaining myself.I do not know what happened but the guy replied immediately and asked me out for an interview.We met outside the office and he was impressed by me and told me to come to the office for a second round of interview.I was able to impress his boss too and I got the job offer in my same profession at almost the same level with a pay packet in recognition of my qualifications and experience.
- It has been a roller coaster ride of a month at times depressing .But somehow I tried to extricate out of this by concentrating on the few positives.A positive attitude with the necessary drive is essential here no matter what you are or who you are.It has been an experience which I took upon myself and even if I did not succeed I do not have any boby to blame except for me as the decision to immigrate was mine and I was fully aware of the potholes ahead.So be aware and be ahead of the bunch should be the motto.Jobs are available.It is only that you need to be at the right place at the right time.Some people call it luck but I would call it destiny.
- I have received a call for another interview after I got the firm offer.So it looks like the economy is on the verge of recovery and hope it stays that way.
- I am right now on my house search which is quite expensive here.So long my stay at my relative's place saved me my penny for which I am thankful.

I have got a lot from this forum especially from our dear captain Qorax and other members.This is just a small way of my reciprocation.
Qorax and other senior members - you people are doing a tremendous yeoman service and it is my suggestion that you enliven this forum by your thought process and genuine intention to help others, of course ,based on your personal commitments which differ from individual to individual.
All the best to all the prospective immigrants as well as to the recently landed immigrants.Keep working at it and leave the rest to destiny which never let's any genuine effort go in vain.
Special mention for Qorax – You just do not stop amazing me with your energy,wisdom and selfless service which you have volunteered.Hats off to you.I have been a sort of muted spectator at this forum but the way and the promptness with which Qorax replies back is phenomenal.
Thanks for reading this mail.It will be a bonus for me if you take any positives from here.


Pen Pal "


Hero Member
Oct 21, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
received by G. Miller 20-10-2010
AOR Received.
14-02-2011(PER); 09-03-2011(2nd AOR)
IELTS Request
sent along with other docs to CIO
Med's Request
Passport Req..
July 2011 in Calgary
Applications received toward the overall cap: 4,416 of 20,000 as of November 29, 2010

Applications received per eligible occupation:

Eligible Occupation
(by National Occupational Classification [NOC] code) Number of Complete Applications Received*
0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers 218
0811 Primary Production Managers (except Agriculture) 41
1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management 1,000
(Cap reached)**
1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners 68
2121 Biologists and Related Scientists 254
2151 Architects 250
3111 Specialist Physicians 192
3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians 238
3113 Dentists 291
3131 Pharmacists 392
3142 Physiotherapists 84
3152 Registered Nurses 712
3215 Medical Radiation Technologists 15
3222 Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists 6
3233 Licensed Practical Nurses 27
4151 Psychologists 58
4152 Social Workers 158
6241 Chefs 30
6242 Cooks 67
7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades 41
7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades 94
7241 Electricians (except Industrial and Power System) 46
7242 Industrial Electricians 54
7251 Plumbers 15
7265 Welders and Related Machine Operators 11
7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics 19
7371 Crane Operators 1
7372 Drillers and Blasters – Surface Mining, Quarrying and Construction 5
8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service 29


Star Member
Sep 8, 2009
Job Offer........
I landed in Calgary last august and now am back in Doha contuing my job here .i am planning to relocate by novemeber 2011 .
Calgary is a nice place !!
But for a new immigrant does it matter?

ITs JOBS that does matter,I tried in vain for 2 months but later back in Doha .I am pursuing a course from NAIT and hope to get a job that may come closer to my profession

Best of luck for all of you


Star Member
Jun 23, 2010
Visa Office......
Vegreville, Alberta
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
12/mar /2012
still waiting
Just wanted to know if u did not find a job suting your qualification or you dint found any job

birdtocanada said:
I landed in Calgary last august and now am back in Doha contuing my job here .i am planning to relocate by novemeber 2011 .
Calgary is a nice place !!
But for a new immigrant does it matter?

ITs JOBS that does matter,I tried in vain for 2 months but later back in Doha .I am pursuing a course from NAIT and hope to get a job that may come closer to my profession

Best of luck for all of you


Hero Member
Aug 26, 2010
Visa Office......
Manila VO
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
May 05,2010
Doc's Request.
Oct 07,2010
AOR Received.
Dec 10,2010
Med's Request
Dec 13, 2011
Med's Done....
Jan 4, 2012
Passport Req..
Feb 2, 2012
Feb 29, 2012
God willing on Oct 15
hi guys,,, can i ask if anyone in this forum has applied in New brunswick??? i was just so dismayed with my application Saskatchewan.. i am almost through but what bothers me is their ielts. before they just accept 7.0 speaking and over all 6.5 but now,,, speaking 7-7.5, reading 6.5-7, writing 7-7.5 and listening 7.5-8.0.... it doesnt make sense right??? as if you are already applying for UK or australia... kinnda pressured just thinking of the scores that you must achieve...unlike the previous.... this news was implemented Nov 16,2010... so anybody applied to New brunswick??? pls help... i dont know if i can attain the required ielts scores.... anyone can say something about New brunswick like the people, weather, jobs etc thanks


Star Member
Aug 23, 2010
Arkhan said:
From all indications, the job prospect for us is good.....lets get the visa out of the way first and hopefully would land our dream jobs on arrival.....best thing to do at this stage would probably be to have our qualifications assessed..........remember geoscience (geology/geophyscis) is a regulated profession in Alberta and we would therefore have to go through the process...