all these questions!
i will try and give answers to the ones i know...
459kCAD is for a brand new house, it has already been built! waiting for the first occupant!
the land ofcourse is included in the price, it is in REDSTONE. Redstone is a new community in N.E. the community is opposite Skyview, which is an older community too like a yr old or there about...not too sure..
yes you can choose the area you wanna buuild offcourse, no one is mandating you to live anywhere BUT! it depends on the builder you are using! Is your builder building in the area that you desire? If NO can then look for builders in that area..some builders we have relationship with are Jayman MasterBUILT and Morrison Homes! thay have been quite helpful so far... go to their website and register... hey you will be suprised how many sales managers from different area you will have to respond to...the home in REDSTONE THAT WE VISITED IS FOR JAYMAN! ITS THEIR SHOWROOM FOR NOW!
i think you can redesign, its your choice and DOUGH! after all people develop their basement they way they want and rent it out.
interest rates fluctuates like we all know...right now its 3.29% for BOM... You can actually choose between Fixed or variable int rate. your mortgage expert will advise you better on this. the amortisation period also depends on can pay up within 5,10,15,20 or 25 yrs as your spirit and income directs

it is always advisable to drop a huge downpayment so that your monthly instamentals will be minimal, it has to be something you can manage. our immigrant/settlement advisor told us that even if we are both working at the time we are buying the mortgage, we should try and arrive at a monthly instalmental payment that can be handled by just one person..."incase :

" never can tell. "do not allow monthly payment look like a heavy burden to you"..he once said!. remember you need to pay up you other bills monthly that is not inclusive in your mortgage!
there re lots of daycares! it all depends on what you want and your pocket! most are subsidized by the govt for low income earners...
i dont know the fee for now... we just did a short landing!
i hope these helps but you can be more informed on Mortgage if you go to the banks sites...almost all of
them have Mortgage calculator and so many mounth watering packages for New Immigrants!