johnmunch said:
I have more than 1560 hours of part time experience built up over more than 52 weeks. When filling up EE, do I need to work out fte for each working week then sum the fte for each week? If yes, If I got 0.2484763, do I round up to .25 or leave it as .24?
You apparently have not started your profile, or you would know the answer : )
No, you do not have to calculate the FTE. You need to report the number of hours worked per week.
If it is variable, you can provide an average (mean), but if you have some part-time and some full-time hours, remember you can only count a maximum of 30 hours per week.
For your own reference, add up the part-time hours and divide by 30, then you will know how many weeks of FTE employment you will have.