Good Morning Everyone,
I know it is overdue since I been on here updating you all with my status. Emidano...I hope you finally received you visa brother, and that you are finally in Canada with your wife and family. I also pray and hope that everyone hears something so VERY soon, as I know how very much difficult it was to wait and try my best to be patient. Patients is something I learned so much through this process.
Well my husband finally came home to me. And has been here for 2 months now. It was so great to have spent the holidays finally with my husband.
It was such a long process, too long. But I TRULY believe that Allah does everything in the right and perfect timing. I am still overwhelmed and still sometimes can not believe that my husband is actually here. But I am truly blessed and something you all must remember that you too are truly blessed. We all are. I been through a lot through this waiting process, it took a lot from me in every way. But what kept me strong and to have the faith is ALLAH.
I know its difficult and frustrating and takes a major toll on you, specially mentally, but with true love and your power to keep strong with Allah NUMBER 1 in your life, EVERYTHING is possible.
Don't give up. Its really strange writing on here and my hubby is here with me now. I use to be on here trying to find any piece of information to know when exactly I can know for sure when my husband will be here. So my greatest advice is this........ALLAH #1, stay strong, no relationship is 10000% perfect, but with true love and understanding it could be perfect. I continue to keep you all in my prayers, and may Allah send your loves ones to you all soon, fast, and safe. And always remember when it comes to the days where you both are so frustrated at each other through this process, just know that once you see each other again at that airport..... it was all worth every bit of it.
This is my advice from my heart and through my experience in this process.
I waited just about 16 months, just to let any new comers know....and it felt like double that...lol..i can laugh about it now....but it was hard. Feel free to message me in here any time. I may not get back to you right away, but I will do my best to check in, ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL.
Much love my brothers and sisters...