i have a very good news

.....i have got a phone call from the DHL and ask me to go and take my passport back....(i thought i will receive it without visa)...but i find the BIG SURPRISE.... ;D
i find the vissssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaa inside

but i still don't understand an issue?!!!
i received a two paper their title( confirmation from permanent residence) ok....but there is a (not valid for travel) wrote upon those papaer!!!
anyone know what does it mean?????? :
and why there is no signature or the name of the officer!!!!!
in any way it's a good feeling to reach to the end (the waiting game) finally i know my destiny...and really here in the forum i met the wonderful ones who support me who helped me!! in the time there was no one!!
i hope to u Emadiano and Ontarioer to take your visa very very soon...be happy...you worth that..as ur really good people :-*
i wish to all people the best of luck :-*