I have emailed them recently about the situation in egypt..stating that my husband lives about 5 mins away from al tahrir square anf that I'm getting so worried about him...and if there anything I could do to speed up the process but no answer from them...I was in egypt 2 weeks ago to visit him..I stated that too on the email..it was a very short trip coz I wasn't allowed vacations from work since I was over there in the summer too..I went to the canadian embassy hoping I would get some answers but they weren"t cooperative at all! So I stated that on the email too...I'm losing hope! I know its only been 8 mnths for me so far...but I know ppl that took them 7 months or 9 mnths only! So why not me? I submitted a (complete) application..everything they asked for everything..thought it will makw it go faster but guess not..also when I found out that ottawa is pricessing I got excited..I'm like its probably gonna be a fast process..again! I was wrong! I'm just so worried...if I have a medical condition..with that speed up the process? Or if I'm pregnant? Let me know plz